The COVID-19 virus is very fast moving, and is causing growing concerns as it evolves. Our priority is the health and safety of our students, staff and faculty. Currently the facility is open and classes are in session.
FACULTY/Staff - See updated COVID-19 Policies.
STUDENTS - See updated COVID-19 Policies. Students are strongly recommended to vaccinate, but are not required. Weekly testing is NOT required for students.
COURSE DELIVERY METHODS (4 Pathways to Success) - Multiple modes of delivery will be used in the following semesters to help in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and allow for social distancing. Modes of delivery include the following:
Online (asynchronous) Delivery – Students can complete their work using a schedule that meets their needs. Students must successfully complete all course work by the established deadlines.
Online Live (asynchronous and synchronous) Delivery – Course delivery will occur remotely on an established schedule for the synchronous delivery where lectures, discussions, etc. will occur. Students may also complete their course work online on their own time and must meet the established deadlines.
Hybrid Delivery (polysynchronous) – Faculty will meet with students face-to-face and online on a regularly set schedule. Students may then attend and complete a portion or all assignments in person or online. Faculty will instruct virtually or in the classroom. Students will attend simultaneously, with a portion viewing online and a portion attending in person. Technology enables polysynchronous communication in real-time.
Face-to-Face Delivery – Faculty and students will meet face-to-face at scheduled times.
Cleaning and disinfecting learning and instructional spaces will occur on a daily basis to help in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout campus in hallways, by doors, etc. Disinfecting wipes will be in all classrooms and laboratories so students can clean their space at the beginning and end of class.
In those instances masks must be worn, 6 feet of separation maintained, and CDC guidelines must be followed. At this time, the Mesalands Community College’s academic calendar is in effect. If any calendar changes are needed, the College administration will make such decisions and the Director of Public Relations will communicate that information.
COMMUNITY USE OF FACILITIES - The existing policies (see updated policies) for use of College facilities remains in place.
TRAVEL - Included in the executive order are the following new exceptions:
- Offices hours will be opened Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
- STUDENTS: Are expected to complete coursework online and in person, if required. Courses and hands-on classes may be conducted on campus while adhering to the CDC guidelines. Contact instructors with questions. For registration, call the campus. The schedules are available online:
- The Bookstore is available 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Thursday.
- Faculty will continue communication with students and reconfigure assignments for quality learning outcomes.
- Students are expected to complete course work online and in-person with Faculty configurations meeting quality learning outcomes.
- Mesalands Community College administration is actively observing the public health concern and will announce any changes.
- Any changes regarding facilities or students return will be broadcast through School email, website news, Facebook, and this informational resource.
Please utilize trusted resources including the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of State, World Health Organization and New Mexico Department of Health.